Life Update

The past few months (ok lets be honest, 2020 in general) has been tough mentally. With figuring out a new plan of action for well, my life… returning to Canada, to nursing, to old thought patterns & behaviours, to my “old” life, it hasn’t been easy. I know, I know, I’m preaching to the choir.

BUT I just wanted to start by saying that on top of being mentally challenging, I’m also feeling mentally strong and resilient and feel an INSANE amount of gratitude and excitement for the future.

I’ve had some amazing opportunities come my way that wouldn’t have surfaced without my return home due to the pandemic. I feel closer to my #SweatWithSarah fam and challenge girls than ever before. I’ve been consistently showing up for myself and making progress by taking action daily. I’m holding myself accountable with my workouts. I’m holding myself accountable in prayer. I’m holding myself accountable with rest. I’m holding myself accountable by being present. Let’s keep things straight, though - this doesn’t mean I have all my sh*t together. Far from it, sis.

I still have my doubts. I still have my insecurities. I have lazy days. I’ve spent 6 hours scrolling on my phone. I still question every decision I make & what my future holds.

The unknown eats away at me. But life is filled with the unknown. Especially at times like this. So if you’re anxious about when the world will return back to normal or when the pandemic will end or if there will be a second wave of COVID-19, know that I’m right there with ya.

Should I settle in my hometown? Will I ever step foot in Australia again? Will I be able to travel any time soon?

My working holiday visa will expire in February and the borders are obviously closed for foreseeable future.

If/when I do go back, I plan on getting a dang good travel insurance because I know I wouldn’t have been covered if I had stayed and contracted the virus. It’s important to know how you’re covered when you’re travelling and what your options are. It’s often times something we over look but has researched what policies have which sort of coverage. 

They actually have a guide on the best travel insurance that features a side by side comparison of 4 different companies voted “best for” in various categories.  The insurances were assessed on their coverage, benefits, financial strength, and price and reputation. 

There are different categories for the basic coverage, as well as limitations for coverage such as alcohol use and extreme sports.  So whether you choose travel insurance for your international or domestic trip, it shows exactly what is and isn't covered! Which is amazing.

Do I have regrets about leaving? Some days, for sure. But no one could have predicted the outcome of this pandemic. And it’s still not over.. Even though restrictions have started to lift and we’ve opened up our “bubbles”, I think we all know a second wave is in the near future.

Back to the uncertainty of my future... The bane of my existence… What am I doing to ease my mind?

Right now, I’m focusing on controlling the things that are under my control. I’m moving my body (in ways that I ENJOY) daily, I’m nourishing my body with whole foods 80% of the time while most DEFINITELY not saying ‘no’ to those summer time treats. I’m trusting in the process. I’m challenging my need for certainty, and learning to better tolerate, even embrace, the inevitable uncertainty of life! I’m also getting FREAKIN’ excited about my future! Good things are coming, y’all. I can feel it. And I can’t wait to share some exciting news with you soon! What a cliff hanger, eh?

Til next time,

xx Sarah

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