Are You Really Gonna “Let Yourself Go” This Winter?

Before you start thinking what I KNOW you’re thinking… I’m not talking about the winter weight you might put on in November and December. There’s a reason you grow hair on your body parts and put on a bit of fat during the winter.. it’s for keeping warm. Now that we got that outta the way.. I want to touch on WHY we give up on things that were once NON-NEGOTIABLE during the summer?!

Come winter time we replace the high heels and painting our toenails and with gross baggy sweaters, sweatpants and a messy high bun. I’m not saying it’s a terrible concept; the high heels need to go. I realize in winter a thing called ice forms on the ground, making footwear with a heavy tread a good idea if you don’t want to fall and break your ankle.

BUT I’m taking a different approach to winter this time around.

In past years I’ve thought “I should put a pause on my gym memberships because it’s cold, December’s an expensive month already… between buying presents for people and spending my money on body weight’s worth of wine and cheese, ditching the gym membership is probably in fact a fantastic idea”

NOPE, not this time sister. This year I’m getting creative and adjusting what I do in each season. You can’t do everything just when the weather is where you want it to be. It’s about pushing yourself, so long as it’s safe and within your own limits ... And there’s a sense of strength from that which can be very motivating.

My biggest tip is to defeat the urge to stay toasty on the couch. Do this by building HABITS. Schedule your workout into your day with a precise time so it’s set in stone, and try to visualize yourself doing it step-by-step. It increases your chance of engaging in the behaviour.. Imagine yourself changing into your clothes, walking out the front door, grabbing everything you need, where you’ll go, the whole process in your mind in slow motion.

Lay out your running clothes and make sure your AirPods are charged. Remove those barriers that become excuses and set some goals to keep track of your progress also help cement the habits.


If you start shaving your legs and armpits post-November, you open yourself up for all sorts of cold-related illnesses like you know, pneumonia, right? Wrong but last year this was my motto - I swear I could’ve braided it. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this if you want to let it grow.. but the correlation directly related to how often I was showering… which was a problem.

  1. Bathe like a queen.

    Steeping your body, mind, and spirit in a steamy bath or shower could help you release toxic shit that you’re having trouble releasing. Prioritize your self care game by investing in quality bath accessories - Lush and Saje are two of my fav’s to get me excited about bathing.

  2. Fake tan!

    Call me shallow but it can seriously do wonders for my confidence. I’m refusing to get all dry and cracky this year. Exfoliation is the real MVP when it comes to fake tan prep and in winter even more so. Skin becomes drier due to the cold weather, so make sure you exfoliate twice a week to slough away any build-up (and at least 24 hours before applying tanner). Then LUBE UP! Moisturizer is your other best friend when it comes to fake tan. You should be lathering it on daily (if not twice a day) to keep skin hydrated and fresh, and to help tan last longer (and fade evenly). I swear by Lowen’s “Rub it In Why Don’t Ya” lotion and “Make Room Body Balm” – it is exceptionally loving on ALL SKIN TYPES! It helps improve skin elasticity, it’s rich in vitamins + fatty acids. It also serve to help promote healthy circulation and renew skin cell growth & it’s unscented but still smells yummy naturally.. it also helps improve appearance of cellulite… BONUS! Then slap on some St. Tropez on your body & and EcoTan Water on your face and you’re a new woman! Just remember, less is more when it comes to your fake tan. Aim for a subtle healthy glow rather than two weeks in Greece (*sigh).

  3. Buy candles, essential oils or scents that relax you. It’s so worth it. Support local and purchase a Lightsy candle - they smell soooo good! Leave them in your bedroom, bathroom, or workspace—so they're just a grab away.

Some other tips:

Get sunlight

Even though you have that perfect fake tan, make sure you’re getting outside often. While there’s not much of it during winter, the sun still peaks out every now and then. Natural sunlight is going to boost your mood, give you that natural Vitamin D and also bring a sense of peace. If it’s too cold to get outside, get near a window when the sun starts shining through. Get a few minutes of sun to start your day and and see the difference it makes.

Call your people

They will appreciate it, and so will you! If you’re an introvert and you’ve been known to forget that human interaction is important until you’re in a bout of depression, (I’m talking about myself here), set a schedule if need be. Phone, text, snail mail, email, DM, FB message, FT, Zoom—literally doesn’t matter, but check in with the people you love and let them know how you feel. There’s only here, there’s only now, there’s only this, and yes, I did just quote Rent.


Every once in a while, jot something down that resonated from your day. Record something as proof of your existence. Show up for and be accountable to yourself. Try and make it a habit every day. It doesn’t need to be more than a sentence or two!

Try to get off social media

It’s gonna be hard as fuck, and you might not be able to do it for more than a few minutes at a time, but start somewhere. It’s not doing anyone any good.


Find joy in the little things
Select a mug or cup that's special or comforting to you. Have one that's special and fill it with soup, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, warm milk - and enjoy the moment. Have a special playlist or radio station you turn on when you’re feeling down. Have comfort foods or baking items on hand to cook for those moments of culinary self-care. Keep colouring books, writing journals, and art supplies near so creative self-expression happens easily & don't forget the SIMPLE things - hugging, stretching, walking!

Give yourself some grace.. you’re doing great. We’re gonna get through this winter together!

Leave a comment below if you have any tips that help you get through the winter months - I’d love to hear.

Much love,

sarah mantinComment