
How do I stay motivated all the time? 

That’s an easy question to answer! I don’t. 

I think this is a struggle for many people. But I’m here to tell you that I am 100% human and #RealTalk: even I fall off the fitness wagon and just CANNOT seem to get myself back on track. Ironic, eh? 

One of the most important lessons I've learned being a personal trainer is that staying consistent is a much better indicator of your success than how motivated you feel. 

First and foremost: If you've ever fallen off or feel yourself in a rut right now, I just want you to know that it is completely normal. 

If you've been working hard, it can be your bodies way of letting you know you need to calm the f*ck down OR that you need to recover and recharge (or a little bit of both). And ... that’s okay. I stress this to my clients SO often.

What's not okay is you giving up completely.

The problem usually comes when that normal “off day” turns into 7 days, then 7 weeks.. 

So, some tips when I find myself in a rut: 

  • Start out small I when I find myself dreading even the process of going to the gym, I like to trick myself. I basically amp myself up to go to the gym and only exercise for five minutes. After that I give myself permission to leave.  Even if all I can manage to do is breathe, that’s okay because I’m keeping my momentum going and my habit intact. Of course I normally end up staying for more than five minutes; but this is all psychological. I use this to get my ass to the gym when I’m not motivated. Then “just 5 minutes” every day for a few consecutive days quickly turns into 30 minutes and then 30 becomes my magic number. I just start telling myself - just do SOMETHING for 30 minutes. So even if its just getting outside and going for a walk, exploring, and getting some fresh air, I always feel better. Decide on specific times that you can exercise, and make a date with yourself. Those 30 minutes don’t have to be done in one big chunk, either – you can break it up and do something you enjoy! 

  • Try a new workout class Whether you live in a big city or a small town, I can almost guarantee there is some type of group fitness class going on. Most even come with a free trial, holla! (more on that in another blog post, haha). HIIT, Yoga, Pilates, Spin, Kickboxing, Crossfit, Barre, I promise there is something out there for you to enjoy! Group fitness can have a huge mental advantage over solo workouts. A group setting with a crazy motivating instructor is a guarantee for pushing yourself hard and will leave you feeling better and more energized to get back into your old routine (or maybe you now found a new one!). Having someone make sure you’re performing an exercise correctly is an amazing added bonus. Maybe you’re not truly “unmotivated” you just need a switch up from your regular routine! Trying a new class and working muscles you didn’t know existed almost always leave you with that "I worked out so hard I can hardly move" next day feelings that maybe you’re missing!

  • Buy a new workout outfit (or 3, lol..) Rewarding yourself when you find yourself in a fitness slump is one of my go-to’s. New workout gear encourages me to work out more (so I can wear the clothes i bought, duh). So take a trip to the mall and buy some new shorts or do some online shopping and grab a new pair of shoes. When you feel good in your workout clothes, you want to go the extra mile.. When I feel more confident in my abilities, it usually leads to improved focus, motivation, and gains of course. *Everyone reading this immediately adds leggings to shopping cart*

  • Sign up for a competitive event, or do some personal goal setting. At times, I can be pretty driven by money. If I pay the entry fee for a race, I’m not backing out! Whether its a half marathon or a 10km walk/jog, make it a goal and set targets for you to reach (i.e. a sub-30 minute 5km). Maybe rather than an event, challenge a friend to a competition! I hate losing. If I’m in a 7-day competition on my Apple Watch with one of my friends, you bet your ass I’m winning. This causes me to close my “move” ring by getting off my OWN ass and simply moving more! Maybe it’s time to take a look at your personal goals. Want to be able to do an unassisted pull up? Set a goal, make it a SMART one, and get to work! SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-oriented (more on SMART goal setting in another blog post). But whatever you decide to do, remember to set a deadline for your planned achievement.

  • Find a partner. Find other like-minded people for accountability. Reach out to someone you regularly see at the gym or an old friend who is already into fitness! At work, find a colleague who has similar goals and help each other stick to them. Having someone to rely on really helps when you’re lacking motivation or keep making the excuse that you’re “too busy” or that you’ll “start tomorrow”. It makes you want to get out of bed in the morning rather than snoozing that alarm if you know someone is already there waiting for you! 

  • Update your playlist! Sure, you probably know from experience that listening to music can help you get you through that tough HIIT workout or help you run faster, but its actually proven that a song's tempo directly relates to the average person's heart rate during exercise and that putting together the right playlist can boost your performance through every stage of your workout. If you want to check out my playlist on spotify that i’m always updating: Click HERE.

With every struggle is a gentle reminder of the question, How bad do you want it?  How bad do you want to achieve your goal and what are you willing to sacrifice to get there? Maybe your “why” isn’t strong enough! Take some time to re-evaluate why you might be lacking motivation. At the end of the day, nobody can want it for you, you have to want it for yourself. But I can promise you if you stick with it it will be worth it! 

“Wow, I really regret that workout.”

- Nobody. Ever. 

Hope these tips helped, and good luck finding that inner strength! 

Sending so much love, 

xx Sarah